Maitasun arazorik ba al duzu? Zure bikote harremanak onak al dira? Seguru? Gure aholkularitzak laguntzen ahal dizu, deitu lasai RAIBABEL irratira eta zure kezka eta arazoak di-da batean arinduko dizkizugu. Zure arazoak aise konponduko dizkizugu, bai horixe!...
The Bucket List
So what’s on your bucket list, i.e. things to do before you die? The students of B2.2 group C come up with a few suggestions about things, places or activities that are an absolute must before they (eventually, many many years from now) kick the bucket. Antxon,...
Turn back the clock (B2.2 and C group)
Anything that you regret (not) doing, that you now wish you hadn’t said or done? Students from B2.2, group C look back and tell about something that they should or shouldn’t have done. It’s too late now but if you could turn back the clock…" Ramiro, Igor and Juana...
Gli alunni dell'A1 A vi fanno delle proposte per il fine settimana. Volete accompagnarci? Un fine di settimana a... Venezia- Saverio Pérez de Albéniz Aibar- Diego Fedeli Barcellona- Koki Cia León- Tina de la Fuente Trujillo- Mª Cruz Osés Berlino- Antonio Gutiérrez...
LA MIA RICETTA DEL CUORE: Fichi sciroppati
LA MIA RICETTA DEL CUORE: Fichi sciroppati Buon appetito! (Mª Cruz-A1 A)...
Fanfestival 2019 y el japonés.
Keiko Suzuki, profesora de japonés en la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, ha venido a Raibabel para contarnos cómo va a ser el Fanfestival 2019 que se desarrollará en Pamplona del 17 al 20 de enero. Keiko Suzuki y Patxi Telletxea Cartel del Fanfestival 2019 Taller...
A game about art, anecdotes, poems and much more in a single podcast! A GAME: Who is the painter? (Cristina, Izaskun, Montse and Juan) SOME ANECDOTES: Ignacio´s anecdote Mikel´s anecdote Cristina, Fran, Ángel and Jose ´s anecdote A POEM: Roque, a Poem ABOUT...
Guess my job!
Karmen, Javier and Cristina Leire, Nerea and Aida. Natxo, Luis and Ivonne. Pili, Francia and...
Make your New Year´s resolutions last 359 days! (not 365)
Naiara Martínez and Alexandra Crettaz tell us some keys to make your New Year´s resolutions last all year...
Travel Mishaps
From losing your passport to pickpockets robbing you, falling ill, a hurricane, flight cancellations, crashing your rental car, the hotel losing your reservation or simply being lost in translation. What can make your dream holiday turn into a nightmarish...