La Radio de la Escuela de Idiomas / Hizkuntza Eskolako Irratia

Hau bai jende interesgarria – I

Oso jende interesgarria etortzen da gure Eskolara, eta guk hobeki ezagutu nahi dugu. Gaur, Mari Jose Abarzuza liburu saltzaileari egin diogu elkarrizketa. Eva Sanchez, Mari Jose Abarzuza, Sergio Martín, Jexux Jaime    ...

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Storytelling-Halloween JIM O´ROURKE PART II

JIM O’ROURKE, PART 2 Poor Jimmy O’Rourke lives to tell a story. Or does he come from the dead? What he says will send shivers down the spine. In the second part of his story, Jim pays an unexpected visit before a funeral and has to run for his life. As darkness...

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Storytelling-Halloween JIM O´ROURKE PART I

JIM O’ROURKE, PART 1 Poor Jimmy O’Rourke lives to tell a story. Or does he come from the dead? What he says will send shivers down the spine. In the first part of his story, Jim has his fortune told as a child. The clairvoyant seems to be right about other...

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Identity Capsule

Did you know that aboard the Voyager spacecraft there are records that contain sounds and images to portray life and culture on Earth? And if you had to think of a time capsule that truly defines you or has shaped your world, which object or experience represents...

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How I made it to C2

Here you have some tips to get to C2:     Plunge into English!     Travelling in the key   It´s about having fun   Time for hobbies, of course! But in English!  ...

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How my parents met

Do you know how your parents met? Was it love at first sight? Did they hit it off when they met? Were they only acquaintances? How did they start going out? Not likely that they met using online apps, like these days. A few students of Carlos´and Maitane´s B.2.2...

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Caffè scientifico

Ascolta la migliore selezione di notizie portate dall'Italia mentre ti godi un delizioso cappuccino                    ...

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