La Radio de la Escuela de Idiomas / Hizkuntza Eskolako Irratia


Hoy los alumnos de A2 de inglés han venido a la radio con un montón de anécdotas e historias. ¿Quieres acomapañarnos? HOLIDAYS - Virgina and Eva GUESS THE PERSON - Clara and María PRAGUE - Jesús and Margareta MUSIC AND ARPEGGIO - Yami and Francisco PERU AND...

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En este programa los alumnos de B1 hacen un repaso a los orígenes del Carnaval y a las celebraciones actuales en Alemania, Brasil, Venecia, Nueva Orleans, Nizza, Moscú y por supuesto, a los carnavales más cercanos de Lanz, Ituren, Zubieta y una entrevista a una...

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Education VS Creativity

Do schools really kill creativity? Do we need to modernize schools and education systems? And whose fault is it? A few students of B2.2 level discuss it. Maybe they learnt the lesson the hard way? Igor, Andrea, Carmen and Patxi Naiara, Antxon, Maia and Juana...

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Some commercials!!!

MAGIC FOR SALE Iñaki, Mikel, Govar, Alejandro and Eneritz h BEFORE IT´S TOO LATE María, Miguel, Conchi, Álvaro and Carlos ENGLISH IMMERSION WEEKEND Ana, Marta, Patricia and Sara COOKIEHOLICS Mikel A., María L., Carmele and...

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Erlijioa eskoletan eta gizartean

Euskera B2.2.ko ikasleek, Javier, Gemma, Pili eta Raúlek, erlijioak eskoletan eta gizartean duen espazioari buruzko eztabaida interesgarri bat...

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Maitasun arazorik ba al duzu? Zure bikote harremanak onak al dira? Seguru? Gure aholkularitzak laguntzen ahal dizu, deitu lasai RAIBABEL irratira eta zure kezka eta arazoak di-da batean arinduko dizkizugu. Zure arazoak aise konponduko dizkizugu, bai horixe!...

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The Bucket List

So what’s on your bucket list, i.e. things to do before you die? The students of B2.2 group C come up with a few suggestions about things, places or activities that are an absolute must before they (eventually, many many years from now) kick the bucket. Antxon,...

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Turn back the clock (B2.2 and C group)

Anything that you regret (not) doing, that you now wish you hadn’t said or done? Students from B2.2, group C look back and tell about something that they should or shouldn’t have done. It’s too late now but if you could turn back the clock…" Ramiro, Igor and Juana...

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Gli alunni dell'A1 A vi fanno delle proposte per il fine settimana. Volete accompagnarci? Un fine di settimana a... Venezia- Saverio Pérez de Albéniz Aibar- Diego Fedeli Barcellona- Koki Cia León- Tina de la Fuente Trujillo- Mª Cruz Osés Berlino- Antonio Gutiérrez...

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