La Radio de la Escuela de Idiomas / Hizkuntza Eskolako Irratia

Je me présente…

 Francisco Ancín  Fermín Ausejo  Alberto Larrosa Mikel Lizari  Jesús López-Vailo Amaiur...

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Loving Marriages – 5 Ways to Keep the Ignite Alive

Romantic marriages are the ones that require the love between two people who have got decided i would get married. They may be a good alternative if you want to have a long-lasting relationship with someone and possess the same goals as them. Romanticism is known...

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 ¿Pero tú qué idioma hablas?

  Si ya manejas algún idioma seguramente te interesará echarle un ojo  a las expresiones del lenguaje informal. Atrévete a recorrer desde el lenguaje  la anatomía humana con Mari Ane y...

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Choosing an International Wife

Before choosing a major international partner, you need to know about the country of her origins. You also need to make certain that her principles and life style are compatible with yours. Should you have already married a north american woman, then you may want...

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JOEMAK ETA POLASAK Zer ote dira?  Jolasak eta poemak hitzen nahasketa, agian? Izan ere, jolastuz ere ikasi ahal baita. Bai, horixe! Horixe da, bada,  B2_1 mailako euskara ikasleok egin duguna: jolastu eta ikasi eta gozatu eta ongi pasatu....

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