Dumm gelaufen!
Heute bei Raibabel möchten die Schülerinnen und Schüler von B1 ein paar schöne Anekdoten erzählen! ...
Heute bei Raibabel möchten die Schülerinnen und Schüler von B1 ein paar schöne Anekdoten erzählen! ...
Heute bei Raibabel möchten die Schülerinnen und Schüler von B1 ein paar schöne Anekdoten erzählen!...
Ezagutzen ahal duzue IZEI TXIKIAren ipuina? Ez? Bada, lasai egon Cristina Iturraldek -tarteko mailako ikasleak- ederki kontatuko dizue. Entzun nahi? ...
Gure hiriaren abantaila eta desabantaila ezberdinak jakin nahi genituen, eta horretarako hiru auzo ezberdinetako pertsonei galdetu diegu bere auzoari buruzko iritzia. Hona hemen...
1 AITOR tips to change your habits 2 ALAIN a long and healthy life 3 NIEVA what i do about healthy habits 4 JUAN evolution of public health services 5 BELEN obesity 6 RODRIGO steps to get healthier 7 LAURA health advice 8 PAULA popular diets 9 IRATI mind and body ...
Gaur egungo kezken artean errefuxiatuen kasua dago. Irratsaio honetan bi herrialdetako ikuspuntu desberdinak ikusiko ditugu, hain zuzen ere, Alemaniako eta Euskal Herriko...
We promised you her and today we have her for you, Close Encounter never lies: the woman every journalist would pray for interview is with us right now, even known we've recently welcomed a very controversial person in her life... ...
Tonight in Close Encounter, one of the most famous actors in the world and one of the biggest heartbreakers ever... If you don't know already who are we talking about, maybe you can think of someone who has lived some intense moments in his marital life with...
Everybody has ever lived an uncomfortable situation in a restaurant. GROUP ONE GROUP TWO GROUP...
Tonight Lady Eye will verify how definitive are our audience's resolutions for this new year. Are they serious or just a punch of bluffers? GROUP ONE GROUP TWO GROUP...