La Radio de la Escuela de Idiomas / Hizkuntza Eskolako Irratia

Entrevista con ADANO

Asociación que ha recibido la recaudación de nuestro Mercadillo Solidario + Subasta de Favores. Nos explican sus orígenes, ámbitos de trabajo y en qué emplearán nuestro donativo. Facebook: @adano1989 Twitter: @Adano1989...

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Blankety Blank

"I have always lived here but actually I was born in (blank)" The students of B1, group C, play "Blankety blank", they challenge their classmates to guess the missing information in their sentences and they try to figure out the correct answers.  Listen to the...

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Día Europeo de las lenguas / Hizkuntzen Europako eguna

Esta semana que comenzamos el curso celebramos con diferentes actividades el Día Europeo de las Lenguas (26 de septiembre). Alumnos y alumnas de los idiomas oficiales (alemán, euskera, francés, inglés e italinoa) responden a algunas preguntas sobre el aprendizaje...

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The A1 rap

Here are 2 raps performed by the coolest A1 students ever! Sing along and have fun rapping in English. Busy Belinda Chilled...

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Our B2.2 students are going to be sent away to a desert island. To make their stay there more pleasant, they are allowed to take a song, a book and a luxury item with them. Listen to the choices they made and the stories behind each choice. DESERT ISLAND DISCS...

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Our B2.2 students are going to be sent away to a desert island. To make their stay there more pleasant, they are allowed to take one song with them. Listen to the choices they made and the stories behind each song B2.2 GROUP J DESERT ISLAND DISCS Introduction: OIER...

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Our B2.2 students are going to be sent away to a desert island. To make their stay there more pleasant, they are allowed to take one song with them. Listen to the choices they made and the stories behind each son Introduction: PILAR VÁZQUEZ DE PRADA:...

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