By Jonathan and...
'The Burglar's Christmas' by Willa Cather. The story is read by C.2.1. students Sandra Beltrán, David Cuesta, Ana Eslava, David Fernández, Javier Goicoechea, Iosune Hualde, Silvia Huércanos, Carolina Mansilla, Scarlet Najarro, Irina...
Hallo liebe Zuhörer und Zuhörerinnen!Willkommen zu unserer Sendereihe, "Popstars der Geschichte".Heute: Unbekannte Frauen mit herausragenden Leistungen. Wir haben Schüler und Schülerinnen vom Niveau B1.B eingeladen. Popstars der Geschichte starke...
So what’s on your bucket list, i.e. things to do before you die? The students of B2.2 group C come up with a few suggestions about things, places or activities that are an absolute must before they (eventually, many many years from now) kick the bucket. Antxon,...
Roberto Pérez was Born in Pamplona in 1966 and graduated in English Studies from the University of Zaragoza. He worked as an English teacher from 1990 to 2001, then he managed the High Shcool Askatasuna of Burlada between 2001 and 2006, from them until 2015 he has...