Pincées de culture française : Le soutien-gorge
Cette année, les cinq moustiquaires de B 2.1et B 2.2, curieuses infatigables, vous proposent un parcours à travers quelques inventions...
Cette année, les cinq moustiquaires de B 2.1et B 2.2, curieuses infatigables, vous proposent un parcours à travers quelques inventions...
Gli alunni del B1 hanno visitato Stranalandia, un'isola circondata dalle nebbie dove vivono animali come il pesce pizza, la gru da cucina o il virgolo. E ispirati a quello che vi hanno visto, hanno inventato un sacco di oggetti utili che...
Soyez les bienvenus à une nouvelle émission où le B2.2 B de l’École de Langues de Pampelune présente des époustouflantes interviews pour découvrir le monde francophone ! Yoro Mbaye (Sénégal), réalisateur et...
Avete mai pensato al comportamento degli altri che più vi dà fastidio, che meno sopportate? Alcune alunne del B1 A fanno le loro riflessioni al riguardo 1. Alexia e Nuria 2. Mª Cruz, Eva e...
Hona hemen miresten ditugun pertsonaien potretal. Basajaun - Javi eta Lucas Gorka Arbizu - Isabel Frida Kahlo - Edurne eta Laura Itziar Ituño - Ana, Maria eta Rebeka Olentzero - Patxi eta Natalia Justo Garate Arriola - Nuvia Marta eta Aimar Mari Jose, Manuel, Javi...
Our B2.2 students are going to be sent away to a desert island. To make their stay there more pleasant, they are allowed to take one song with them. Listen to the choices they made and the stories behind each song B2.2 GROUP J DESERT ISLAND DISCS Introduction: OIER...
Our B2.2 students are going to be sent away to a desert island. To make their stay there more pleasant, they are allowed to take one song with them. Listen to the choices they made and the stories behind each son Introduction: PILAR VÁZQUEZ DE PRADA:...
Nous avons demandé à deux étudiants de Français (niveau C1) de se faire passer pour deux des plus célèbres artistes de la chanson française, et ils ont accepté le défi…. Marife, Teresa y...
Iván and Rebeca are going to tell us about the story behind the song “Zombie" by The Cranberries Iván and...
We are here today to give you some tv and movies recommendations. Why not trying a new show to pass the time and also practice your English listening? We are sure everyone already knows it but that is a great way to learn a language. Irati and...